April 24, 2021
- Rev. David Sabet
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Colossians 1:12-14
- Ezekiel 18:24
- I Peter !:14
- I Thessalonians 2:10-12
- II Peter 2:20-22
- II Timothy 4:18
- John 3:3
- Luke 9:62
- Matthew 12:43-45
- Matthew 16:24-27
- Matthew 24:14
- Matthew 6:10
- Proverbs 26:11
- Revelation 3:15-16
- Romans 12:21
- Crosswinds International
“The Gospel of the Kingdom” (Part 3) With Rev. David Sabet Review: In the last two messages in this series of “The Gospel of the Kingdom”, we have been covering verse after verse about how God has called us to a “Christ-like” life. Jesus died to set us free from sin, to not sin;… Read More »