Wrong Thoughts: Tragedy and Suffering
January 2, 2022
Today’s Thought : Tragedy and Suffering
It is important we keep our eye on the ball. We are fasting (abstaining from, GIVING UP) wrong ways of thinking.
That means there are certain mindsets and beliefs in our heads, that we have to eliminate.
They are toxic and poisonous to the victorious life we desire to live.
To keep thinking the same things, and expect our lives to change, is absurd.
Today’s thought that we’re fasting from has to do with tragedy and suffering.
When something bad happens such as college shooting or last week’s deadly tornadoes, it’s easy for fear to creep in, and to think we are open game or sitting ducks for Satan or twisted people to strike at any time.
It’s wrong to think: Something bad might happen to me or my family.
DO NOT open the door to the expectation of evil. Your mind may argue with this, but that’s why we’re going to fast from this thought.
Of course, WE MUST have compassion, prayer, and practical support for those who have suffered, but we cannot allow what has happened to create our expectations.
Job CONTINUALLY THOUGHT something bad might happen to his family.
And then it did. He said, “What I have feared has come upon me”. (Job 3:25) Lets take this thought captive. How?
1. BELIEVE God’s promise: Psalm 91:10 – No evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near my tent.
(The Message translation: “Evil can’t get close to you, harm can’t get through the door. He ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go.”)
2. THINK within yourself: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17).
3. FILL your mind and heart with this, over and over today, until it starts coming out of your mouth.
4. KNOW that God brings His Word to pass, when we believe it. Jeremiah 1:12 says “I am watching over My word to perform it.”
5. EXPECT something good to happen to you and your family.
I want to leave you with this good thought today:
There is no stopping the man or woman who is set free from wrong thinking!