The Spirit of Freedom VII – Long-suffering
December 13, 2017
- Dr. Ronald K. Powell
- The Spirit of freedom
- 1 Cor 13:4
- 1 Pet 2:18-20
- 1 Pet 3:20
- 1 Ths 5:14-15
- 12
- 15
- 17-19
- 1Th 1:3
- 2 Cor 6:4-6
- 2 Pet 1:4
- 2 Pet 3:15
- 2 Pet 3:3-4
- 2 Pet 3:4-7
- 2 Pet 3:9
- 2 Tim 4:2
- 21
- 8
- Col 1:9-14
- Col 3:1-2
- Col 3:12
- Col 3:13
- Col 3:19
- Col 3:8-10
- Eph 4:1-2
- Eph 4:2-3
- Eph 4:31-32
- Ex 34:6-7
- Gal. 5:22
- Gen 15:16
- Gen 6:3
- Jas 1:19-20
- Lk 17:3-4
- Neh 9:16-21
- Prov 14:29; 16:32
- Prov 15:18
- Rom 12:12
- Rom 2:4
- The Spirit of freedom
- Crosswinds International
The Spirit of Freedom-VII
- Col 1:9-14 : Our redemption in Christ compels us to a worthy walk, fully pleasing the Lord (fruitful, knowledge, strength–patience and longsuffering)
- Longsuffering: Self-restraint that does not hastily retaliate against a wrong (opposite of wrath and revenge).
- Wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God, Jas 1:19-20.
- So, must put on longsuffering (patiently address life), Col 3:12.
- Long-Tempered (makrothumia: makro, “long”; thumos, “wrath, temper”).
- “Long-suffering is that quality of self-restraint in the face of provocation which does not hastily retaliate or promptly punish; it is the opposite of anger, and is associated with mercy” (Vine 377).
- “Patience is the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial; it is the opposite of despondency and is associated with hope, 1Th 1:3; it is not used of God.” (Notes on Thessalonians, Hogg and Vine, 183, 184)
- “The power to see things through” (Barclay, Flesh and Spirit, 92).
- Long-suffering Focuses on our Attitude and Expressions Toward Our Fellow Man. (God is longs. toward us; so we are to others.)
- Long-suffering is God’s Character in Dealing with Man, Ex 34:6-7.
- In longsuffering, God shows mercy, grace, goodness and truth.
- Yet, longsuffering it will not allow God to overlook sin, 34:7.
- cf. God didn’t quickly retaliate in anger, although His punished sin, Neh 9:16-21.
- What God’s Long-suffering accomplishes (its effects):
- It is the sinner’s warning against complacency/hardening of heart, Ex 34:7.
- Long-suffering of God is not a license to sin. God is just – He will punish sin.
- cf. Flood: God’s judgment preceded by period of warning (expression of God’s longsuffering), 1 Pet 3:20 (Gen 6:3).
- Mockers, 2 Pet 3:3-4. God will judge/destroy ungodly (2 Pet 3:4-7)
- It is the sinner’s opportunity to repent, Rom 2:4.
- Without God’s longsuffering, repentance would be impossible – all would be immediately destroyed!
- “The patience of God waits when the impatience of man would long since have acted in destructive anger” (Barclay, 95).
- God is not slack (slow) in punishing, but is long in giving the sinner an opportunity to change, 2 Pet 3:9.
- It is meant for our salvation, 2 Pet 3:15;.
-Man’s unrepentant sin turns it into condemnation (Gen 15:16)
III. WE ARE TO BE LONG-SUFFERING (our character), 2 Pet 1:4.
- The New Man has a Long-Temper toward Others, Col 3:8-10.
- It is part of our calling, Eph 4:1-2.
- An expression of real love, Col 3:13 (1 Cor 13:4).
- Its companion is forgiveness, Col 3:13; Eph 4:31-32.
- A Mark of True Discipleship, cf. 2 Cor 6:4-6 (apostles).
- Specific Areas Where We Must be Long-suffering, 1 Ths 5:14-15.
- By not repaying evil for evil (5:15).
- When sinned against – forgive, cf. Lk 17:3-4.
- When preaching the gospel (2 Tim 4:2).
- Home: Dealing with conflict; disciplining children (Col 3:19, 21)
- At work (1 Pet 2:18-20).
- During trials (Rom 12:12, 17-19).
-Make longsuffering our very way of life (Eph 4:1-2). HOW?
- Give Ourselves Fully to Christ, Col 3:1-2, 8 (12).
- Put away wrath as a way of dealing with others (intimidation).
- Be preeminently committed to live for Christ.
- Increase Love for God and for Others, 1 Cor 13:4.
- Quality of love: increase love to improve longsuffering.
- Eliminate self-vindication and self-justification, replacing it with the ability to suffer long (endure wrongly).
- See the Wisdom and Power of Long-suffering, Prov 14:29; 16:32.
- Prov 14:17: You can be right, but a “short temper” compromises your effective use of the truth (gives a reason to adversary to accuse you and ignore the truth you seek to promote).
- Prov 15:18: Helps settle strife (Eph 4:2-3).
- Long-suffering is evidence of humility; Temper is prideful.
- Long-suffering of God waits today as in the days of Noah, calling sinners to repentance and salvation (1 Pet 3:20; 2 Pet 3:9, 15)
- But, God will not wait forever before He punishes our sin.
- We must live as new people in Christ, true disciples, giving ourselves fully to Christ, increasing our love while seeing the wisdom and power (spiritual profit) of being longsuffering.
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